Monday, February 25, 2008

How to method

Last evening i got a scrap from someone who had read my blog... he showed interest in the "healing energy and love",i wrote about in my previous blog.
Somewhere in the middle of our discussion, he expressed his doubt whether he could give and receive love from people and surroundings to increase his energy and vibrational state.Especially when everyone has become so very demanding in relationships, its appears unrealistic to expect unconditional love from them andincreasingly difficult to give such love to others wen dey act selfish( according to us). WEn we feel this way about ourselves and people around us...then we need to learn "how to love" all over again...Love is just not wat u experience for ur husband or boy friend or ur friends n family ... it has a much wider definiton... it encompasses personal barriers n reaches out to people,nature and includes all those we hav never met and even those we don't like.
u must have read this concept of love being universal many times, but before u dismiss my point as purely theoritical, i suggest u a simple way to experience love.

Den u can use dis method to project n receive love from any one...
Just sit in an open area in front of a green plant or a tree, prefrably at sunrise or sunset...and just focus ur attention on the features of the plant its colors, shape, leaves until u start appreciating its beauty...den gradually u will feel an increasing love for the plant...that moment u will be projecting energy in the form of love into the plant.this way u can receive energy too...u just hav to sit n connect with the source of energy.this is in fact a form of wil increase ur vibrational energy and make it natural to project love on others and receive love without any difficulties.
You can try your own meditations too like just thoughtless awareness... for this energy exercise wen we'r in meditation, we transcend our own limitations and accept everything as it is. Then it becomes natural to experience beauty in nature and people around us. Once we appreciate this beauty in natural forms like plants,trees,rocks,lakes,sunshine,moon, we develop love.
So u see, its very natural to love...wen love just flows ...effortlessly...

Just Keep loving...

Friday, February 22, 2008

the love just flows

Today im very excited... very keen as im writing for my blog... wat shud i write... how shud i write... i was just reflecting ...but then suddenly as i was meditating upon this, i realised the most imp thing was that i shud write. The cosmos, itself, will take care that it gets communicated to all those who are interested to know the mystical conciousness movement and all those who want to experience the bliss and divinity in their entire Being.

Just the other day, i was checking my orkut profile after a span of eight months, suddenly my gtalk beeped... it was a orkut friend who is a journalist... he asked me where i was for the last few months... had i disappeared from the planet... "on a cosmic trip", the words just flowed from within me...

Really in these few months... i was on a cosmic trip. Love,bliss,peace,happiness ...the ocean flowing within. its so fulfilling... the cosmic energy purifying my body,mind,soul... and then this ocean of energy purify anyone as healing energy.

"Oh really? My back is aching very badly...can ur healing energy cure my back pain?",the journalist friend asked in disbelief...

"Why will definitely heal now only just the medium," i said.

he said he was at home becoz of the pain and it was a chronic pain...i told him to sit with back straight and then i sent him the cosmic healing energy...

Within three minutes, he wrote back, all excited and nervous, "Pooja, i cant believe it, the moment u sent energy, i started shaking...and my back pain is miraculously gone... earlier i used to laugh at the idea that such distance healing thru net was possible but now i bear a testimony to it... thank you a back feels amazingly light". he even wrote a testimonial on my orkut profile for this... u can read it urself there...

i was feeling so joyous, i had experienced that love n bliss had just touched him...the love just just all those who seek...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

hi. welcome to the world of love,peace, joy, bliss

Today i decided to create my own blog and share the b'ful revelations which lif e unfolded. i expect ur suggestions and comments for this blog. as for my intro, im Pooja... a 21 yrs old girl from the mystical himalyas... but the truth is im ageless... and so are you. im living a very exciting life at all realms...physical,emotional, spiritual, expericiencing the realities which lead to the ultimate reality... i'm a law student, a cosmic energy healer, researching on energy fields, reading auras, keen nuero linguist programmer and above all, a celestine Being...the ocean of energy which flows inside and permeates my BEING forces me to spread the tranquilty of divine and infinite love and joy to celestine Beings like you... from now on i'll be posting my experiences and revelations here... so be hooked...ce ya... time to go...muah